Nose Cancer

Nose cancer
(Nasopharyngeal Cancer)
Nasopharyngeal Cancer is a cancer that occurs in the back, nose and throat of the throat, which is the term "Nasopharynx."

A) Symptoms:
Early on, nasal cancer did not show any significant signs. Some of the symptoms that require a patient to consult a physician are as follows:
   - Mice up in the neck
   - Bloody nose
   Nausea is mostly one sided
   - A fall is on one ear
   - Hemorrhoids
   - Headache

B) Causes:
The causes of nasal cancer are still unknown, but there are several factors that contribute to the disease:
   - Geographical location, such as southern China or East Asia
   Nitrosamine-rich foods: high-salt, dry-cooked foods (meat or fish)
   - Carpenter-related practitioners
   - Epstein-Barr Virus
   - Family History of Nasopharyngeal Cancer

C) Diagnosis:
   The endoscope uses a digital camera to insert the nasopharynx into the nose
   - Biopsy: A biopsy on the back of the nose to test for cancer cells Pathology and Immmuno-histo-chemistry
   Do a CT-Scan or MRI
   - Panendoscopy

D) Treatment:
   Modern Radiotherapy
   - Surgery in some cases
There are no measures to prevent nasal cancer, but we can alleviate some of the factors that contribute to the disease. Therefore, as a physician appeals to all who have a history of bleeding, nose or nasal congestion, come for a timely consultation and treatment with a team of doctors of ear, nose, throat and cancer at Calmette Hospital. .

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