What Health Issues Does Purple Water Show?

What Health Issues Does Purple Water Show?
When you have a runny nose, we often get sweaty and puffy, and without a doubt, the sooner the better.
We all experience nausea or a fall in our throat that requires sweating or diarrhea, sometimes inhaling or swallowing in the throat.

What Health Issues Does Purple Water Show?
A) Where does the salty water come from
Our airways and food have cell membranes, which produce mucus and mucus, whether in the nose, nose, mouth, throat, throat, throat, airways, it acts to prevent viruses, friction, it moisturizes at all times, and therefore When the cell membrane is dry, it is prone to infections and infections.
The mucus or mucus in the airways is responsible for capturing other objects that enter our body by breathing our bodies producing 2 liters of mucus or mucus a day.
Most people are not interested in examining the color of the nose or scars, you know that the color of your nose indicates the problems of your nose.

1. Transparent white caused by colds, upper respiratory tract, or nasal mucus, the virus that causes cell membranes that secrete histamine, promotes the production of saliva, anti-histamine, and rinsing the nose with saline water. Helps reduce nausea.

2. White, thick, sticky, and translucent mucus may be due to blockage in the nose for a long time caused by swollen nasal membranes, in addition to ingesting and consuming too much milk.

3. Yellow, from bacterial infections in the nose or the body's mucus, we fight off the germs, kill them, and lubricate the pus together.

4. Gray may indicate that in your nose there are hemorrhoids caused by chronic inflammation of the nasal membranes, or syphilis, which is caused by the bumps caused by allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma.

5. Blue indicates that our bodies are fighting against bacteria, as in the case of yellow saliva.

6. The red color is caused by a ruptured sinus vein mixed with saliva, a blood vessel may be caused by a dry nasal membrane or a nasal injury, nasal congestion, varicose veins.

7. BLACK: The effects of black salmon are common among smokers, drug users, those living in environments with high levels of air pollution and fungal infections of the nose or nose.

As mentioned above, please feel free to check the color of your saliva when it comes to sweating or scabbing, and if there is any abnormalities, please come and check with your ear, nose and throat doctor. At Calmette Hospital.

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