What is hepatitis?

What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a viral inflammation of the liver caused by saliva. Liver cysts are more common in people aged 50-60 and have been found to be more common in women than in women.
What is hepatitis?

1) Infected by:
   - Waterway (30% -70%)
   - Porte vein (10% -20%)
   -  Arteries (10% -15%)
   - Neonatal inflammation (1% -5%)
   - Hepatitis (1% -3%)
   - Abcès cryptogénétique (10% -40%)

2) Cause:
Causes of Hepatitis C are caused by eating unhealthy, unhealthy foods that contain the virus.
   - Aérobie à gram négatif: 40% -60%
   - Aérobie à gram positif: 10% -2%
   - Anaérobie: 35% -45%
   - Polymicrobisme: 20% -60%
   - Special Viruses (1%)

3) Diagnosis:
   - Clinics:
      • Fever until chills
      • Pain under right rib
      • The general condition of the patient is severely depressed
      • The liver is enlarged below the right rib
      20% -50% of eyelids
      • The right siphon water is choking
   - Blood tests:
      • White blood cells increase
      • Increased CRP
      • Phosphatase alcalin increases
      • Taux prothrombine prolonged
   - Medical Image:
      • RX Lung: There is water below the right lung and the right ventricle up
      • Echographie: It is known the size, location of the liver

4) Treatment:
   - Medication for small bowel or primary stage
   Pediatric radiotherapy (Ponction et Drainage Percutané sous guidage echographique) in    radiotherapy in collaboration with medical imaging is a popular method that is being practiced at Calmette Hospital.
   - Laparotomie.

5) Prevention:
   - Clean living
   - Eating clean water and eating well.
"Please consult with a specialist team of Calmette Hospital for accurate diagnosis and timely surgical treatment."

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