Diet, glucose screening, and exercise for diabetics!

Diet, glucose screening, and exercise for diabetics!

Diet, glucose screening, and exercise for diabetics!
A) What is diet?
Living comfortably is a necessary task for people in general, and especially for people with diabetes. Please note that foods that are good for people with diabetes are good for people in general (not as fast as some people suggest):
   Avoid fat-rich foods
   Can eat a lot of vegetables, fruits that are not very ripe, grain and eat brown rice
   - Eat small amounts of processed sugar (confectionery and candy)
   - Maintain a reasonable amount of alcohol
   - Stop smoking completely
   Eat regularly (avoid starvation)

B) Check for sugar prematurely before a meal to confirm the existence of diabetes?
When eaten, the food is broken down into glucose (sugar). These sugars help your cells build the energy you need for health. Insulin is the only major hormone in our body that is responsible for directing glucose to all cells of the body to turn it into a living energy source. When the body is unable to efficiently use the hormone insulin, it causes hypoglycemia (also called diabetes). This means that either one has insufficient insulin, or one has insufficient insulin to transport sugar, or one has both problems (which is the most common type of diabetes in humans). Large).
High blood sugar is one of the main concerns of our medicine right now because starting with high blood sugar alone can affect almost every organ that can lead to disability and age. Life.
Without proper and timely treatment, the disease can have serious consequences, including:
   - Side effects of kidney failure
   Heart failure due to blockage of the coronary arteries
   - Stroke or stroke
   - Eye blindness
   - and loss of nerve conduction leading to susceptibility to foot injury and foot surgery

C) Exercise
   - What You Should Do Before Exercising:
     • Dress appropriately, not too tight, and comfortable shoes
     • Carry a sugary sugary pan for high sugar
     Check your sugar before and after your workout
   - What kind of exercise do you enjoy (swimming, walking, dancing, tennis, tennis, and homework)
   - 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week
   - If you start insulin injections, exercise slowly with the advice of a doctor or a professional
Note: Exercise Benefits:
     • Improve your glucose control
     Improves blood pressure and joints
     • Helps you lose or maintain good weight
     • Make you feel good, which is the best positive effect for heart health
"To learn more about diet and how to stay healthy, you can consult with a Calmette diabetes doctor every day."

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