Why Mother Must Breast Feeding?

Why breastfeeding?

Why Mother Must Breast Feeding?

The importance of breastfeeding:
   - Breastfeeding enhances the closeness of the baby by the touch of the baby's skin, comforting the baby, and enhancing the emotional health of the baby and mother.
   - Breast milk is the freshest and germ-free food (for healthy moms) and is best suited for

A. breastfeeding newborns up to 6 months of age.
   - Mother's first milk is rich in:
      • Antibodies (IgA) and millions of white blood cells for virus protection.
      • Minerals and vitamins support the baby's body, help prevent dehydration and weight loss.
      • Protein and fats, as well as omega-3s and other substances, promote the development of children, metabolism, liver, brain, and eyes.
      It helps cells to grow quickly, develop immunity, have the immune system (gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, respiratory tract, and other illnesses).
      It helps to reduce budget and time costs from the first minute of birth.

B) Some factors that promote milk production:

In fact, nature is properly organized from conception to full term and sufficient for a newborn. Proper and frequent breastfeeding causes the mother's brain to regulate the release of the hormones Ocytocine and Prolactine, a hormone that stimulates milk production and secretion and reduces postpartum bleeding.
Some moms are always worried about not having enough milk for their baby, so in order to increase milk production, there are a number of factors that boost milk production by:
   - Clean your breasts well enough and relax
   - Drink enough or at least 3 liters of water a day
   - Eat enough and properly
   - Breastfeeding regularly
   Massage your breasts with milk (without products or oils):
      • Move your two fingers around the entire breast
      • You can also massage with a fist, twisting the fist from the breast to the nipple

C) How to breastfeed:
   - Wash your hands well, before squeezing or holding the milk
   Store milk in a sterilized container or container and do not put it under the sun
   - Put the milked date on the milk container
Note: All mothers who are giving birth at Calmette Hospital are given instructions on how to breastfeed.
"Breastfeed your baby, especially the first milk, so that they can grow physically and mentally."

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